International Workshop on Superconducting Quantum Networks
Vienna, Sept. 12-15, 2022
Superconducting quantum circuits are one of the most promising platforms for realizing large-scale quantum computing devices in the near future. However, scaling-up superconducting quantum devices to more than several hundred qubits still faces considerable challenges and will require novel concepts and technologies to distribute quantum states and entanglement in a fast and robust way. This includes quantum communication within a single chip, but also between separated dilution refrigerators for building local- and wide-area quantum networks based on superconducting technology.
This workshop is sponsored by the European project SuperQuLAN and specifically addresses questions related to the scalability of superconducting quantum computers and the realization of superconducting quantum networks within and beyond the boundaries imposed by a single dilution refrigerator. Topics for this workshop include intra- and inter-chip quantum communication, cryogenic quantum links, microwave-to-optics conversion, quantum state transfer protocols and distributed quantum algorithms as well as many other topics related to the realization and operation of large-scale quantum networks in general.
Scientific Board:
Ignacio Cirac (MPQ)
Johannes Fink (IST Austria)
Juan-Jose Garcia-Ripoll (CSIC)
Andreas Messner (Zurich Instruments)
Peter Rabl (TU Wien)
Jordi Tura (Leiden Institute of Physics)
Andreas Wallraff (ETH Zürich)
Local Organization:
Peter Rabl (TU Wien)
Evgeniya Schimpf (TU Wien)